.. Dashboard.rst .. _dashboard-label: ============================== Dashboard ============================== The Dashboard in the YubiEnterprise Console provides an overview of available inventory, and recent shipments and purchase orders. The menu to the left provides access to different functions. What you see depends on your :ref:`user role ` when logged in to the Console. There are three categories of Console users: Customers, Distributors, and Resellers. Each of these have their own view providing access to functions that are specific for the type of user role. Depending on your user roles, you can have multiple view options and you can switch between them using the view selector in the upper part of the left menu of the Console. .. image:: graphics/viewing-roles-1.png :width: 200 *Dashboard views available to a user with all roles* The following sections describes the functionality available through the different views. .. _dashboard-customer-view-label: Customer View ============= All users with either the Console Owner, Console Admin, or Console Auditor role can access the Customer view of the Dashboard. For more information, see :ref:`user-permissions-label`. The Dashboard provides an overview of your aggregated inventory, recent shipments and purchase orders (POs). If you are a distributor or a reseller, the information you see on the Dashboard using the Customer view applies to purchases for your own organization. From the Dashboard you can do the following: * Get an overview of your product inventory, aggregated from different resellers if applicable. * View recent shipments and POs. * Request shipments (only Console Owners and Console Admins) from the inventory cards. For more information about different functions, see :ref:`shipments-label`, :ref:`requesting-shipment-label`, :ref:`purchase-orders-label`, and :ref:`settings-label` (Settings). The screenshots below show examples of a Console Owner's view of the **Dashboard**. .. image:: graphics/dashboard-customer-view-1.png :width: 800 .. include:: includes/subscription-management.rst Shippable Inventory ------------------- .. include:: includes/shippable-inventory.rst .. _recent-shipments-label: Recent Shipments ---------------- Only recent shipments are displayed on the Dashboard. To view all shipments, click the **Shipments** tab. The information displayed in the table in the **Recent Shipments** section is explained in :ref:`shipments-column-headings-label`, which is in :ref:`shipments-label`. .. _recent-purchase-orders-label: Recent Purchase Orders (POs) ---------------------------- Only recent POs are shown on the Dashboard. To view all POs, click **View all purchase orders**, which takes you to the :ref:`purchase-orders-label` tab. The information displayed in the table in the **Recent purchase orders** section is explained in :ref:`purchase-order-info-label`. Managing Settings ----------------- From the **Settings** page Console Owners can add and delete users for the organization, and recover and reset user accounts if needed. For more information, see :ref:`settings-label`. .. _distributor-view-label: Distributor View ================ Distributors are organizations that sell Yubico products to resellers that in turn sell the products to end customers. The :ref:`Distributor role ` provides access to the **Distributor** view in the Console. .. image:: graphics/disti-view-dashboard1.png :width: 800 The Distributor view lets you see what was sold to end customers, monitor their inventories, and provide access to purchase order information for your resellers. .. _distributor-inventory-view-label: Viewing Inventories ------------------- The **Resellers** page provides an overview of your associated resellers. To view the inventory for a specific reseller customer, select **Resellers** in the left menu and click on a **Customer** link in the list. .. image:: graphics/distributor-cust-dashboard1.png :width: 600 This displays the end customer Dashboard showing the inventory that was sold by the distributor and the associated reseller to that end customer. The dashboard view is an aggregation of how much of each product was purchased, and how much inventory is available for shipping. Inventory sold to this end customer by other distributors or resellers is not shown. The end customer dashboard view displays the following information: * Subscription/non-subscription inventory * Perpetual/Standard inventory * The number of each product purchased * The number of each product remaining to be redeemed/shipped * For virtual tiers (Advanced/Compliance), the models that the end customer can order * The most recent purchase orders Viewing Purchase Orders ----------------------- The **Purchase orders** page provides a list of purchase orders and associated resellers and their end customers. To see purchase order details for a specific customer, click the desired **Purchase order** link in the list of resellers. .. image:: graphics/dist-view-pos1.png :width: 800 For more information on purchase order details, see :ref:`purchase-order-popup-label`. .. _dist-manage-settings-label: Managing Settings ----------------- From the **Settings** page you can manage settings for your resellers, for example allowing them to view purchase orders. For more information, see :ref:`distributor-role-label`. .. _reseller-view-label: Reseller View ============= Resellers are organizations that sell Yubico products to end customers. The :ref:`Reseller role ` provides access to the **Reseller** view in the Console. .. image:: graphics/reseller-view-dashboard3.png :width: 800 The Reseller view lets you see what was sold to your customers, monitor their inventories, and provide access to purchase order information for your end customers. .. _reseller-inventory-view-label: Viewing Inventories ------------------- The **Customers** page provides an overview of your customers. To view the inventory for a specific customer, select **Customers** in the left menu and click on a **Customer** link in the list. .. image:: graphics/reseller-cust-dashboard1.png :width: 600 This displays the end customer Dashboard showing the inventory that was sold by you to that end customer. The dashboard view is an aggregation of how much of each product was purchased, and how much inventory is available for shipping. Inventory sold to this end customer by other distributors or resellers is not shown. The end customer dashboard view displays the following information: * Subscription/non-subscription inventory * Perpetual/Standard inventory * The number of each product purchased * The number of each product remaining to be redeemed/shipped * For virtual tiers (Advanced/Compliance), the models that the end customer can order * The most recent purchase orders Viewing Purchase Orders ----------------------- The **Purchase orders** page shows a list of purchase orders and associated customers, and distributors if any. To see purchase order details for a specific customer, click the desired **Purchase order** link in the list. .. image:: graphics/po-resell-view.png :width: 800 For more information on purchase order details, see :ref:`purchase-order-popup-label`. .. _resell-manage-settings-label: Managing Settings ----------------- From the **Settings** page you can manage settings for your customers, for example allowing them to view purchase orders. For more information, see :ref:`reseller-role-label`. ------------------------------------- To file a support ticket for YubiEnterprise Delivery, click `Support `_.