.. Requesting_Shipment.rst .. _requesting-shipment-label: ================================= Requesting Shipment: Introduction ================================= This section provides specific information about shipment requests. For a general introduction to shipment requests, see :ref:`shipments-label`. The different methods of requesting shipment each have their own subsection; the information in this current section applies to all methods. .. include:: includes/subscription-management.rst .. _shippable-inventory-label: Shippable Inventory =================== .. include:: includes/shippable-inventory.rst Methods of Requesting Shipment ============================== * :ref:`shipping-single-label` * :ref:`shipping-multiple-label` * :ref:`api-shipment-request` Address Validation ================== When Yubico's address validation service catches a discrepancy between an address in a shipment request and post office standards, the system flags the affected shipment request. Requests with such discrepancies are shown as "Incomplete" in the **Status** column of the Console. Incompletes must be reviewed and the proposed change accepted or rejected before the request can be processed. For instructions, see `Reviewing Incompletes`_. .. _restrictions-label: Restrictions ============ Post Office Boxes ----------------- .. include:: includes/no-non-usa-po-boxes.rst .. _channel-partners-label: Inventory: Channel Partners --------------------------- .. include:: /includes/channel-partners.rst .. _limits+constraints-label: Limits and Constraints ---------------------- .. include:: includes/name-constraints.rst .. include:: includes/limits+constraints.rst .. _inventory-options-label: Inventory Matters ================= Subscription (2.0) ------------------ .. include:: includes/2.0-subscr-tier-structure.rst Subscription (1.0) ------------------ .. include:: includes/inventory-type.rst .. _tier-sub-cat-label: Tier Sub-categories ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. include:: includes/init-buffer-repl.rst .. _timing-label: Timing ====== .. include:: includes/16-00hrsUTC.rst Shipment Status Messages ------------------------ .. include:: includes/shipment-status-messages.rst .. _incompletes-label: Reviewing Incompletes ===================== The address validation service flags addresses that are problematic or defective in some way, and displays this information on the Console in the **Status** column on the **Dashboard** tab. For a complete list of the different statuses and what they indicate, see :ref:`shipping-status-codes-label`. To ensure your shipping request is accepted and processed, always verify that it has not been flagged Incomplete. :Step 1: On the **Shipments** tab, in the **Actions** menu next to the **Create shipping request** button, select **Review incompletes**. The list of shipping requests with incomplete addresses is displayed: .. image:: graphics/shipment-review-incompletes2.png :width: 800 :Step 2: To find out what is wrong with an address and/or correct it, click the Edit icon at the end of the row containing the item. See :ref:`editing-shipment-label`. The **Edit Shipment** dialog indicates the problem. In the example below, the recipient name is incorrect. .. image:: graphics/201857-undeliverable-name-ok.jpg :width: 800 :Step 3: The address validation process stops at the first error it finds in a given request (or in the case of a CSV file, in a given row). In the example above, it stopped at the name of the recipient, but the address in the example above would not be validated either. For this reason, continue to run the **Review Incompletes** activity until no more errors are found in your shipment request. .. _editing-shipment-label: Editing or Deleting a Shipment ============================== You can update an address or delete a shipment request until it is locked for processing and fulfillment, see :ref:`timing-label`. This applies for both Automated and Manual type of requests. However, to edit or delete a *Manual* shipment request, you must contact Yubico to update the shipment request. :Step 1: To edit a shipment, click the **Edit [pencil]** icon in the appropriate row of the table. The **Shipment details** page appears. To make name and/or address changes, scroll down to the **Edit Shipment** section. .. image:: graphics/edit-shipment-part-1.png :width: 800 :Step 2: To make changes in either products or inventory, scroll down further to the **Product Selection** section. Be aware that :ref:`shippable-inventory-label` limits might apply. .. image:: graphics/edit-shipment-part-2.png :width: 800 :Step 3: Either make the required changes and click **Update** or click **Delete shipment**. The update function validates the fields, with a mouseover warning on any fields requiring input. .. image:: graphics/please-fill-out-this-field.png :Step 4: Verify that the system is able to validate all the input in your shipment request by running the **Review Incompletes** activity (see :ref:`incompletes-label`). .. _bulk-deletion-label: Bulk Deletion of Shipment Requests ---------------------------------- To delete multiple shipment requests at the same time, do the following: :Step 1: On the **Shipments** tab, go to the **Actions** dropdown list, and select **Bulk operations**. The **Bulk Operations** screen appears showing shipment requests that can be deleted (those that have not yet been processed). :Step 2: Select the checkbox in the row you want to delete. To delete all, select the checkbox in the header row and click **Delete shipments** on the upper right. The selected shipment requests are deleted. To revert the **Select all** action, deselect all the shipment requests by clicking the checkbox in the header row again. .. _refunds-label: Refunds ======= When shipments fail to arrive at their destination, the price of product(s) plus shipping is refunded. The status of such a shipment is recorded as "Lost/Missing". Viewing Refunds --------------- Console Owners, Admins, and Auditors can access refund details from the **Shipments** tab. On the upper right, click the **Action** dropdown menu and select **Processed refunds**. .. image:: graphics/processed-refunds-menu2.png :width: 600 The list of processed refunds appears. The **Processed refunds** table shows the following information: * Shipment ID * Inventory product type (shipping, subscription type, etc.) * PO reference if applicable (link to PO from which the refunded inventory was drawn) * Refund quantity (this value will be "0" for shipping) * Product name * Refund date * Refunded amount To see more details, click the **Shipment ID** of the desired shipment, or click the **Download refund CSV** file (see :ref:`download-refund-csv`). .. image:: graphics/refund-id1.png :width: 800 .. _download-refund-csv: Downloading List of Refunds --------------------------- To download a CSV file listing all the data shown on the list of processed refunds, click the **Download refund CSV** button. .. image:: graphics/actual-refunds4.png :width: 800 The downloaded spreadsheet contains the following information for each refunded shipment request: * shipment_id * refund_date * organization_name * reseller_name * reseller_id * inventory_product_type * product_name * refund_quantity * product_cost * refunded_product_tax * refunded_product_vat * refunded_shipping_fee * refunded_shipping_tax * refunded_shipping_vat * purchaseorder_number * country_code_2 * shipment_request_date * shipped_date * recipient_company * recipient_email * recipient_firstname * recipient_lastname * recipient_telephone * street_line1 * street_line2 * street_line3 * city * region * postal_code ------------------------------------- To file a support ticket for YubiEnterprise Delivery, click `Support `_.