.. Shipments.rst .. _shipments-label: ==================== Shipments: Overview ==================== You can manage shipments from your inventory of purchased products on the **Shipments** page. Even if not all your products are being shipped through YubiEnterprise Delivery, you can track shipment requests regardless of how those shipments are processed by Yubico. Shipments processed through YubiEnterprise Delivery (Console, API, or CSV) are considered "Automatic", whereas the shipments created by Yubico or a channel partner at your request (for example by telephone) are considered "Manual". Any given shipment request displayed on the Console's **Shipments** page will show which kind of shipment it is in the **Type** column. Console Owners and Admins can request (create) shipments and edit the requests if the shipment is of the Automated type and has not yet been processed. The **Status** column shows the :ref:`shipment-request-id-label`. .. image:: graphics/shipments-overview1.png :width: 800 *Shipments page* Shipment Tasks ============== * :ref:`shipping-single-label` * :ref:`shipping-multiple-label` * :ref:`api-shipment-request` * :ref:`shipments-csv-label` * :ref:`email-label` Actions ======= From the **Actions** menu on the **Shipments** page (next to **Create shipment request**), you can select from these options: * **Review incompletes** - Review requests that have not gone through because the request was not complete, see :ref:`incompletes-label`. * **Bulk operations** - Delete multiple shipment requests at once, see :ref:`bulk-deletion-label`. * **Processed refunds** - See which shipment request costs have been refunded, see :ref:`refunds-label`. Viewing Shipments ================= On the **Shipments** page, you can sort on all the column headings using different criteria. To view all the details for a given request, including the email address of the person who made the request, click on the ID of the request. Shipments Column Headings ----------------------------- The **Shipments** page provides the following information: * **ID** - The ID of the shipment request. Click the ID number to view the shipment request details, see :ref:`shipment-detail-label`. * **Date** - Date on which the shipment request was made. * **Shipment address** - The address to which the shipment was or will be sent. * **Recipient email** - Email address to which information about the shipment is automatically sent. * **Delivery** - Type of delivery - Normal or Expedited (rush). * **Type** - How the shipping request was created, **Manual** or **Automated**, see :ref:`shipments-label`. * **Status** - The status of the shipment request, see :ref:`shipping-status-codes-label`. * **Tracking** - The tracking number with the carrier. Clicking the tracking number takes you to the site of the carrier. * **Ship date** - Date on which the shipment was dispatched. * **Delivery date** - Date on which the shipment arrived at its destination. * **Reseller** - Name of the reseller, if reseller was involved in the purchase. .. _shipment-table-controls: Shipments Table Controls ---------------------------- Columns ~~~~~~~ To determine which columns will be shown and/or to hide or show them, click on **Columns** in blue, below the **Search** field. .. image:: graphics/shipment-columns1.png .. _filters-label: Filters ~~~~~~~ To determine which filters will be used, click on **Filters** in blue, below the **Search** field. The number on the Filters icon indicates the quantity of filters that have been set; in the case illustrated, just one: "Shipment address" contains the ``Palo Alto`` value. .. image:: graphics/shipment-filters1.png :width: 500 Density ~~~~~~~ To determine how the information on the **Shipments** page will be shown, click on **Density** in blue, below the **Search** field to select from the ``Compact``, ``Standard``, or ``Comfortable`` options. .. image:: graphics/shipment-density1.png .. _shipments-column-headings-label: .. _search-label: Searching Shipments ------------------- The **Search** field on the upper left of the **Shipments** page lets you locate any element in a shipping request, even partial words or numbers. Entering search parameters instantly filters the list of shipments based on those parameters. To return to viewing the list of search results after clicking into one of the list items, click **Go back**. The list remains available even after refreshing the browser window while on a page of search results. Change or remove the search parameters in the **Search** field to reset the search. .. _advanced-search-label: Advanced Search ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can perform advanced searches by using **Filters**. You can also use **Search** in combination with Filters to drill down further into the list of shipments. For more information, see :ref:`filters-label`. .. _shipment-request-id-label: Shipment Request Status ----------------------- The shipment request **Status** shows the progress of the shipment request, for example "Awaiting Validation", "Delivered", or "Incomplete". For more information, see :ref:`shipping-status-codes-label`. In case of shipment request errors, click the shipment ID to open the :ref:`Shipment details ` view to investigate the shipment information. To edit a shipment request and correct errors, see :ref:`editing-shipment-label`. .. LAAS-6516 .. _shipment-detail-label: Shipment Details View --------------------- To open the **Shipment details** view, click the shipment ID either from the **ID** column on the **Shipments** page, or in the **Recent Shipments** section of the **Dashboard**. The **Shipment details** page displays the following information: * **SHIPMENT ID** section - The shipment ID and type of shipment request (manual/automated). * **REQUEST DATE** and **REQUESTOR** - The date when the shipment request was created, and the email of the user who created the shipment request. * **RESELLER NAME** and **ID** - Name and ID of the reseller. * **SHIPMENT STATUS** section - Status and related status messages for the shipment request. * **Address** section - Contact information for the shipping recipient. * **Shipping** section - Details about type of delivery, shipping provider and tracking number, if available. * **Costs** section: * **Product cost** - The total cost of purchased products included in the shipping. * **Product tax/VAT** - The product tax/VAT based on the total product cost. * **Shipping Fee** - The shipping cost based on included products and shipping destinations. * **Shipping tax/VAT** - The shipping tax/VAT based on the shipping cost. * **Total** - Total cost including shipping and taxes. For more information, see :ref:`shipping costs `. If the shipment request has not yet been locked for processing and fulfillment, you can edit the recipient information and product selection. To edit the shipment, scroll to the bottom of the **Shipment details** page. For more information, see :ref:`editing-shipment-label`. .. _shipments-csv-label: Downloading the CSV File of Shipment Requests ============================================= Organization owners, admins, and auditors can download a record of the shipment requests that have been made. To download a CSV file with general shipment data, go to the **Shipments** > **All shipments** page and click **Download CSV** in the top row. When downloading the CSV file, only enabled columns and filtered rows are included. Use the **Search** field or click **Filters** to filter out desired shipments. Click **Columns** to include desired columns in the output. .. note:: If no filtering is applied, data for **ALL** shipments in the list will be included in the CSV file. Ensure to filter out desired shipments before downloading to only get the data you are interested in. .. image:: graphics/download-shipments-csv2.png :width: 700 .. _csv-download-label: Column Headings in the Shipment Requests Table (Download CSV) ------------------------------------------------------------- The Shipment table downloaded as a CSV file combines the information in the shipment ID popup with what is shown on the **Shipments** page plus additional information. The column headings are listed below. .. NOTE:: Although all currency amounts displayed by the system are in US dollars, contracts, purchase orders, and invoices, etc. use the currency applicable to the parties involved. * A - ``shipment_id`` - The unique identifier assigned by YubiEnterprise Delivery to every shipment request * B - ``shipment_request_date`` - month/day/year * C - ``shipment_update_date`` - month/day/year * D - ``organization_name`` - Name of the customer organization on behalf of which the shipment request was made (typically the same throughout the file) * E - ``reseller_id`` - Identifier of the reseller (Yubico's channel partner) - this is ``1`` if it was a direct sale by Yubico * F - ``user_email`` - The email address of the YubiEnterprise Delivery user who made the shipment request * G - ``country_code_2`` - Two-letter country code provided in ``available_countries.csv`` * H - ``inventory_type`` - Depends on items entered in customer PO; e.g., * Standard Inventory Keys, * Subscription Initial Stock, * Subscription Buffer Stock, * Subscription Replacement Stock, * Tier Perpetual Key, * YubiKey Shipment, * YubiKey Tier SKU Shipment * I - ``is_delivered`` - TRUE or FALSE * J - ``is_shipped`` - TRUE or FALSE * K - ``shipped date`` - month/day/year - Date of shipping * L - ``delivered_date`` - month/day/year - Date of delivery * M - ``tracking_number`` - Tracking number assigned by fulfillment agency * N - ``recipient_company`` - Name of recipient's company * O - ``recipient_email`` - Recipient's email address * P - ``recipient_firstname`` - First name of recipient * Q - ``recipient_lastname`` - Last name of recipient * R - ``recipient_telephone`` - Recipient's telephone number * S - ``street_line1`` - First line of street address * T - ``street_line2`` - Second line of street address * U - ``street_line3`` - Third line of street address * V - ``city`` - Name of village, town, or city * W - ``region`` - Name or region, state, or province * X - ``postal_code`` Postal code, post code, zip code * Y - ``shipment_type`` - Automated (entered into the YubiEnterprise system by you) or Manual (entered into the system by Yubico) * Z - ``delivery_type`` Normal or Expedited * AA - ``shipment_state_code`` - see :ref:`shipping-status-codes-label` * AB - ``shipment_state_id`` - see :ref:`shipping-status-codes-label` * AC - ``shipment_state_message`` - see :ref:`shipping-status-codes-label` * AD - ``shipment_summary_description`` - Total number of keys plus number of each type, e.g., *Total Keys: 2 yk5c:1, sky2:1* means two keys were shipped, one a YubiKey 5C and one a Security Key 2 * AE - ``shipment_product_cost`` - Cost of product alone, without tax, VAT, or shipping * AF - ``shipment_product_taxes`` - Cell is populated if products are shipped to location where sales tax is applicable. Amount of sales tax levied on product * AG - ``shipment_product_vat`` - Cell is populated if products are shipped to location where VAT is applicable. Amount of VAT levied on product * AH - ``shipping_service_cost`` - Cost of shipping * AI - ``shipping_service_taxes`` - Cell is populated if products are shipped to location where sales tax is applicable. Amount of sales tax levied on shipping * AJ - ``shipping_service_vat`` - Cell is populated if products are shipped to location where VAT is applicable. Amount of VAT levied on shipping * AK - ``total_shipment_product_cost`` - Cost of product(s) with tax or VAT; does not include shipping costs or tax or VAT on them * AL - ``total_shipment_tax_cost`` - Cell is populated if products are shipped to location where sales tax is applicable. Total sales taxes levied on product(s) plus shipping costs * AM - ``total_shipping_service_cost`` - Total shipping costs including taxes or VAT levied on them * AN - ``total_keys_shipped`` - Total number of products shipped * AO - ``purchaseorder_numbers`` - If multiple POs were drawn on for a single request, they are separated by a pipe, e.g., ``PQR_123|PO-0721a`` * AP - ``reseller_name`` - Name of the reseller from whom you purchased, Yubico's channel partner, whose ID is given in column E. .. _email-label: Notifying End-Users of Shipment and Delivery ============================================ The YubiEnterprise Delivery system automatically notifies recipients by email when products are sent to them (see the *SHIPPED* template below) and when they are delivered (see the *DELIVERED* template below) . If there is a problem with delivery, the system automatically sends an email notification to the person who made the shipping request (see the *DELIVERY EXCEPTIONS* template below). The variables in angle brackets in the templates below are automatically replaced. **SHIPPED** :: Subject: YubiKeys shipped! To: Hello, Your YubiKeys have been shipped. If you have any questions, please reach out to your company administrator. YubiKeys Shipped: Delivered To: Tracking Number: Sincerely, Your YubiEnterprise Delivery Service Team This is an automatically generated message from Yubico. Replies are not monitored or answered. **DELIVERED** :: Subject: YubiKeys Delivered! To: Hello, Your YubiKeys have been delivered. If you have any questions, please reach out to your company administrator. YubiKeys Delivered: Delivered To: Tracking Number: Sincerely, Your YubiEnterprise Delivery Service Team This is an automatically generated message from Yubico. Replies are not monitored or answered. **DELIVERY EXCEPTIONS** :: Subject: YubiKeys Delivery Exceptions! To: Hello Your Shipment request for YubiKeys has delivery exceptions. Please reach out to your company administrator. You can also reach out to us at YubiEnterprise Support Delivery Details: Deliver To:
Tracking Number: Sincerely, Your YubiEnterprise Delivery Service Team This is an automatically generated message from Yubico. Replies are not monitored or answered. .. _custom-email-label: Customizing the Automated Emails -------------------------------- One of the primary reasons for customizing the automated emails is when you do not need your end-users to reach out directly to Yubico if they have questions. Usually it is desirable for end-users to contact your own organization's IT department if they have issues understanding how YubiKeys fit into your organization's services access model. These standard emails can be customized by **adding** text to the existing standard email templates. Note that the *SHIPPED* and *DELIVERED* emails are sent to **every** recipient, so customization is not suitable for sending an individual greeting. .. Note:: If you make a mistake in the HTML code when customizing the template, you can click the **Restore** button to return to the default. However, if your HTML is correct and you click **Update**, you can no longer click **Restore**. For this reason, consider making a copy of the default template before you customize it. :Step 1: In the Console, click **Settings** > **Email** and select the **Template** to be customized: Shipped, Delivered, or Delivery Exceptions. .. image:: graphics/send-sample-custom-email1.png :width: 600 :align: left :Step 2: Insert the text into the template. It can accept any valid HTML, including scripts. Web and email links can be inserted as HTML link elements. Put the link target in the ``href`` attribute, and put the display text for the link between the angle brackets. For example: .. code-block:: HTML Please visit Yubico's webpage for more information, or email someone@yourcompany.com. :Step 3: Your HTML code is validated as you type. If your code is correct, a green banner announcing its correctness appears, and you can continue editing or click **Update**. However, once you click **Update**, the **Restore** button is deactivated. If the HTML is wrong, a red banner describing the errors appears, and you can correct it and click **Update** once the red banner disappears, or click **Restore**. :Step 4: To view the customized email just created, click **Send Sample**. ------------------------------------- To file a support ticket for YubiEnterprise Delivery, click `Support `_.