ClearAuthToken Method
Reset the AuthToken, AuthTokenPermissions, and AuthTokenRelyingPartyId to null, so that any future operation that retrieves an AuthToken will not use the current values.
public void ClearAuthToken()
See the User's Manual entry for a deeper discussion of FIDO2 authentication and how AuthTokens, permissions, PIN/UV, and AuthParams fit together.
See also the User's Manual entry
on the SDK's AuthToken logic. That article goes into greater detail
how this method, as well as other operations, perform "automatic"
AuthToken retrieval based on the version of the connected YubiKey,
the state of the Fido2 application on the YubiKey, the input, and the
state of the Fido2Session
Generally you will begin a Fido2Session
with a call to
AddPermissions(PinUvAuthTokenPermissions, String). If the AuthToken
is expired,
and an AuthToken is needed for a new operation, the SDK will obtain a
new AuthToken, using the original permissions (and any new
permissions needed by the operation) and the
However, if you want to set the AuthTokenPermissions
to a
completely new value that does not have the same permission set as
the current, or set it to be associated with a new relying party, or
with no relying party at all, then clear the current set of values.
If you ever need to clear the AuthToken
and associated
properties, you will likely follow up a call to this method with a
call to AddPermissions
to start a new process.