YubiKeyFeature Class
Namespace: Yubico.YubiKey Assembly: Yubico.YubiKey.dllNamed YubiKey features or distinct behaviors that have been added or changed over the years that can be queried.
public sealed class YubiKeyFeature : Enum
Name | Description |
DeviceReset | Support for device-wide factory reset of YubiKey Bio Multi-protocol Edition keys. |
FastUsbReclaim | The YubiKey is capable of switching USB interfaces without the lengthy 3-second reclaim timeout. |
Fido2Application | The FIDO2 application. Corresponds to the functionality located in the Yubico.YubiKey.Fido2 namespace. |
ManagementApplication | The YubiKey management application. Corresponds to the functionality located in the Yubico.YubiKey.Management namespace. |
ManagementNfcRestricted | Allows temporarily disabling NFC until the next time the YubiKey is powered over USB. |
OathApplication | The OATH application. Corresponds to the functionality located in the Yubico.YubiKey.Oath namespace. |
OathRenameCredential | The ability to rename existing OATH credentials. |
OathSha512 | Support for SHA-512 based OTP credentials. |
OathTouchCredential | The ability to "hide" an OATH credential until the YubiKey's button has been touched. |
OtpAlphaNumericPasswords | Generation of mixed characters and digits. |
OtpApplication | The (Yubico) OTP application. Corresponds to the functionality located in the Yubico.YubiKey.Otp namespace. |
OtpButtonTrigger | The YubiKey button touch for challenge-response configuration. |
OtpChallengeResponseMode | Challenge-Response mode instead of an OTP mode. |
OtpDormantSlots | Allows a configuration to be stored without being accessible. |
OtpFastTrigger | Causes the trigger action of the YubiKey button to become faster. |
OtpFixedModhex | Specifies that the first byte of the token identifier should be modhex. |
OtpInvertLed | Inverts the configured state of the LED. |
OtpMixedCasePasswords | Generation of mixed-case characters. |
OtpNumericKeypad | Ability to use the HID codes from the numeric keypad for numbers. |
OtpOathHotpMode | Support for programming an OATH HOTP-based credential into one of the OTP application slots. |
OtpPasswordManualUpdates | Configures the slot to allow for user-triggered static password change. |
OtpProtectedLongPressSlot | A configuration slot that is activated by a longer-duration touch of the YubiKey. This is also sometimes referred to as "Slot 2". |
OtpShortTickets | Truncates the OTP string to 16 characters. |
OtpStaticPasswordMode | Configures the slot to emit a static password. |
OtpUpdatableSlots | Allows certain non-security related flags to be modified after the configuration has been written. |
OtpVariableSizeHmac | Uses the HMAC message which is less than 64 bytes. |
PivAesManagementKey | Ability to use an AES key as the PIV management key. A YubiKey can set the management key to AES or Triple-DES. |
PivApplication | The PIV application. Corresponds to the functionality located in the Yubico.YubiKey.Piv namespace. |
PivAttestation | An attestation statement which is an X.509 certificate that certifies a private key was generated by a YubiKey. |
PivEccP256 | The cryptographic ECC algorithm with the parameters P-256, specified in FIPS 186-4, supported by the PIV Application on the YubiKey. |
PivEccP384 | The cryptographic ECC algorithm with the parameters P-384, specified in FIPS 186-4, supported by the PIV Application on the YubiKey. |
PivManagementKeyTouchPolicy | The touch policy refers to whether use of the management key will require touch or not. |
PivMetadata | Ability to get data about the key in a slot. |
PivMoveOrDeleteKey | Support for deleting PIV keys or moving PIV keys between slots. |
PivPrivateKeyTouchPolicyCached | Ability to set touch policy on private key to cached. (Touch is cached for 15 seconds.) |
PivRsa1024 | The cryptographic RSA algorithm with the key size 1024 bits supported by the PIV Application on the YubiKey. |
PivRsa2048 | The cryptographic RSA algorithm with the key size 2048 bits supported by the PIV Application on the YubiKey. |
PivRsa3072 | The cryptographic RSA algorithm with the key size 3072 bits supported by the PIV Application on the YubiKey. |
PivRsa4096 | The cryptographic RSA algorithm with the key size 4096 bits supported by the PIV Application on the YubiKey. |
PivTouchPolicyCached | Ability to set touch policy to cached. (Touch is cached for 15 seconds.) |
Scp03 | The ability to communicate using Secure Channel Protocol 3 (SCP03). |
Scp03Oath | The ability to communicate using Secure Channel Protocol 3 (SCP03) for OATH credentials. |
Scp11 | The ability to communicate using Secure Channel Protocol 11a/b/c (SCP11). |
SerialNumberVisibilityControls | The ability to change the visibility of the serial number over USB, API, and button-press. |
TemporaryTouchThreshold | The YubiKey allows temporarily adjusting the sensitivity of the capacitive touch sensor. |
U2fApplication | The FIDO U2F application. Corresponds to the functionality located in the Yubico.YubiKey.U2f namespace. |
value__ | |
YubiHsmAuthApplication | The YubiHSM Auth application. Corresponds to the functionality located in the Yubico.YubiKey.YubiHsmAuth namespace. |