TicketFlags Class
Namespace: Yubico.YubiKey.Otp Assembly: Yubico.YubiKey.dllFlags that control the output format of the one-time password.
public sealed class TicketFlags : ValueType
The output format is controlled by the TicketFlags enumeration. These are binary flags that can be turned on or off. As the YubiKeyDevice functionality has been extended, the usage of these flags have become interleaved to allow full backwards compatibility.
The generalized format of the OTP output string looks like:
ref_string <TAB> fixed_string <TAB> OTP_string <TAB> <CR>
Name | Description |
AppendCarriageReturn | Send a carriage return after all other characters. |
AppendDelayToFixed | Delay .5 second after emitting the fixed string portion. |
AppendDelayToOtp | Delay .5 second after emitting the OTP string. |
AppendTabToFixed | Send a tab character after the fixed string. |
AppendTabToOtp | Send a tab character after the OTP string. |
ChallengeResponse | Sets the configuration for challenge response mode, along with other ConfigurationFlags. |
None | No ticket flags are requested for this configuration. |
OathHotp | Sets the configuration for OATH HOTP combination with other ConfigurationFlags. |
ProtectLongPressSlot | Locks and/or protects the long-press configuration slot of the YubiKey. |
TabFirst | Send an initial tab character before the fixed string. |
Name | Description |
ValidateFlagsForUpdate() | Ensure that no flags are set that cannot be used to update an existing configuration. |
Name | Description |
Implicit(Byte to TicketFlags) | Implicitly convert a langword_csharp_byte to a TicketFlags object. |
Implicit(TicketFlags to Byte) | Implicitly convert TicketFlags to a langword_csharp_byte. |