SetPinOnlyMode Method
Set the YubiKey's PIV application to be PIN-only with a PIN-derived and/or PIN-Protected management key. The default management key algorithm will be used (AES-192 for YubiKeys with firmware 5.7.x and later, TDES for keys with firmware 5.6.x and earlier). This sets the YubiKey to either
PivPinOnlyMode.PinProtected | PivPinOnlyMode.PinDerived
If the YubiKey is set to PinProtected, PinDerived, or both, the PUK will also be blocked.
You should not set a YubiKey for PIN-derived, this feature is provided only for backwards compatibility.
public void SetPinOnlyMode(PivPinOnlyMode pinOnlyMode)
Type | Name | Description |
PivPinOnlyMode | pinOnlyMode | The mode to which the YubiKey is to be set. |
Type | Condition |
System.InvalidOperationException | There is no |
System.OperationCanceledException | The user canceled management key or PIN collection. |
System.Security.SecurityException | Mutual authentication was performed and the YubiKey was not authenticated, or the remaining retries count indicates the PIN is blocked. |
PIN-only mode means that the application does not need to enter the management key in order to perform PIV operations that normally require it, only the PIN is needed.
See the documentation for SetPinOnlyMode(PivPinOnlyMode, PivAlgorithm) and the User's Manual entry on PIV PIN-only mode for a deeper discussion of this feature.
Note that this sets the PIV application on the specific YubiKey to a PIN-only mode, it has nothing to do with OATH, FIDO, or OpenPGP.
Note also that this will make sure that the management key algorithm will be default management key algorithm (Firmware 5.7.x and later: AES-192. Firmware 5.6.x and earlier: TDES.), even if the current management key is a different algorithm. This behavior matches how this method operated in previous versions of the SDK.
SetPinOnlyMode(PivPinOnlyMode, PivAlgorithm)
Set the YubiKey's PIV application to be PIN-only with a PIN-derived and/or PIN-Protected management key of the specified algorithm. This sets the YubiKey to either
PivPinOnlyMode.PinProtected | PivPinOnlyMode.PinDerived
If the YubiKey is set to PinProtected, PinDerived, or both, the PUK will also be blocked.
You should not set a YubiKey for PIN-derived, this feature is provided only for backwards compatibility.
public void SetPinOnlyMode(PivPinOnlyMode pinOnlyMode, PivAlgorithm mgmtKeyAlgorithm)
Type | Name | Description |
PivPinOnlyMode | pinOnlyMode | The mode to which the YubiKey is to be set. |
PivAlgorithm | mgmtKeyAlgorithm | The algorithm to which the management key will be set. |
Type | Condition |
System.InvalidOperationException | There is no |
System.OperationCanceledException | The user canceled management key or PIN collection. |
System.Security.SecurityException | Mutual authentication was performed and the YubiKey was not authenticated, or the remaining retries count indicates the PIN is blocked. |
PIN-only mode means that the application does not need to enter the management key in order to perform PIV operations that normally require it, only the PIN is needed.
See the User's Manual entry on PIV PIN-only mode for a deeper discussion of this feature.
Note that this sets the PIV application on the specific YubiKey to a PIN-only mode, it has nothing to do with OATH, FIDO, or OpenPGP.
Upon successful completion of this method, the PUK will be blocked.
The management key derived and/or stored in PRINTED will be for the
specified algorithm. For all YubiKeys, TripleDes
is a valid
algorithm. For YubiKeys 5.4.2 and later, it is possible to set the
management key to an AES key. For YubiKeys 5.7 and later, AES192 is the default.
Before setting the mgmtKeyAlgorithm
arg to an AES algorithm, make sure it is
allowed on the YubiKey. You can use the HasFeature
call. For
PivAlgorithm mgmtKeyAlgorithm = yubiKey.HasFeature(YubiKeyFeature.PivAesManagementKey) ?
PivAlgorithm.Aes192 : PivAlgorithm.TripleDes;
pivSession.SetPinOnlyMode(PivPinOnlyMode.PinProtected, mgmtKeyAlgorithm);
If the algorithm is not supported by the YubiKey, this method will
throw an exception. It will not change the YubiKey, it will not set
it to PIN-only.
If the YubiKey is already set to the specified PIN-protected mode and algorithm, this will not reset the YubiKey, but will simply authenticate the management key.
If the YubiKey is already set to PIN-only, but not the specified mode, this method will make sure the YubiKey is set to both PIN-only modes.
If the YubiKey is already set to PIN-only, but not the specified algorithm, this method will change to a new management key of the specified algorithm.
If the requested pinOnlyMode
is both, then this will make sure
the YubiKey is both PIN-protected and PIN-derived.
If the input pinOnlyMode
is None
, and the YubiKey is
currently set to PIN-only (and neither PinProtected nor PinDerived is
Unavailable), this method will remove the contents of the storage
locations ADMIN DATA and PRINTED, and reset the management key to the
default management key.
In this case, the mgmtKeyAlgorithm
arg will be ignored, the
management key's algorithm after removing PIN-only status will be
the default management key algorithm (Firmware 5.7.x and later: AES-192. Firmware 5.6.x and earlier: TDES.).
The touch policy of the management key will also be set
to the default (Never). Note that the management key must be
authenticated and the PIN verified in order to perform this task.
This method will authenticate the management key using the PIN-only
mode to which the YubiKey is currently set, then clear the contents.
It will then change the management key to the default value. Hence,
after setting the YubiKey out of PIN-only mode, you should change the
management key. Note also that the PUK will still be blocked. The
only way to unblock the PUK is to reset the retry counts. This will
set both the PIN and PUK to their default values. Resetting the retry
counts requires management key authentication.
If the input pinOnlyMode
is None
, and the YubiKey is
currently set to one PIN-only mode, but the other is Unavailable,
this method will clear the one that is set but leave the one that is
Unavailable as is. For example, suppose the current mode is
PinProtected | PinDerivedUnavailable
, then after setting to
None, the PRINTED storage area will be empty and the ADMIN DATA
storage area will be left as is.
If the input pinOnlyMode
is None
, and the YubiKey is
currently NOT set to either PIN-only modes, this method will do
nothing. It will not remove anything from ADMIN DATA or PRINTED, it
will not try to authenticate the management key, nor will it try to
verify the PIN. It will not change the management to the default. It
will ignore the mgmtKeyAlgorithm
If a YubiKey is currently set to both modes, and you call this method with only one of the modes, this method will NOT "remove" the other mode.
If a YubiKey is currently set to both PIN-only modes and you want to
"remove" one of them, call this method and set the YubiKey to
, then call this method a second time and set the YubiKey
to the desired mode.
In order to set the YubiKey to be PIN-only, this method must
authenticate the management key. Even if the management key is already
authenticated, this method will authenticate. It will try to
authenticate using the PIN-only techniques, and if that does not
work, it will try to authenticate using the default management key. If
either of those techniques works, the user will not have to enter the
management key. But if the YubiKey is not PIN-only, and the default
management key does not authenticate, the method will call on the
to obtain the correct value.
If the mode to set is PIN-protected, then this method will use the existing mgmt key, unless it is the default. In that case, this method will generate a new, random mgmt key, set the YubiKey with this new value, and PIN-protect the new key.
This method also requires the PIN to be verified. If setting to
PIN-derived, even if the PIN is already verified, this method will
call on the KeyCollector
to obtain the PIN. If setting to
PIN-protected, this method will verify the PIN only if it has not yet
been verified.
Note that this method will throw an exception if the current contents of ADMIN DATA and/or PRINTED are not compatible with PIN-only mode. If there are no current contents, then this method will set one or both of those storage locations with appropriate data. But if there is already something in one or both, and it is not PIN-only information, then this method will not replace that data, it will throw an exception.