Base Commands

The base commands are those that do not apply to any specific protocol. However, they do apply to the different connection methods such as USB and NFC.

Acronyms and their definitions are listed at the bottom of this page.


Configure your YubiKey via the command line.


  • List connected YubiKeys, only output serial number:

    $ ykman list --serials

  • Show information about the YubiKey with serial number 0123456:

    $ ykman --device 0123456 info


Option Description
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
-d, --device SERIAL
Specify YubiKey to interact with by
serial number.
Show diagnostics information for
Show –help, including hidden
commands, and exit.
--log-file FILE
Write logs to a given FILE instead of
standard error. Ignored unless
--log-level also set.
-l, --log-level [DEBUG|INFO|
Enable logging at given verbosity
-r, --reader NAME
Use an external smart card reader.
Conflicts with --device and
-v, --version
Show version information about the
app [ykman]


Command Description
config Enable/Disable applications.
fido Manage the FIDO applications.
info Show general information.
list List connected YubiKeys.
oath Manage the OATH Application.
openpgp Manage the OpenPGP Application.
otp Manage the OTP Application.
piv Manage the PIV Application.

ykman config [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]…

Enable or disable applications. The applications may be enabled and disabled independently over different transports (USB and NFC). The configuration may also be protected by a lock code.


  • Disable PIV over NFC:

    $ ykman config nfc --disable PIV
  • Enable all applications over USB:

    $ ykman config usb --enable-all
  • Generate and set a random application lock code:

    $ ykman config set-lock-code --generate


Option Description
-h, --help Show this message and exit.


Commmand Description
mode Manage connection modes (USB interfaces).
nfc Enable or disable applications over NFC.
set-lock-code Set or change the configuration lock code.
usb Enable or disable applications over USB.

ykman config mode [OPTIONS] MODE

Manage connection modes (USB Interfaces). This command is generally used with YubiKeys prior to the 5 series. Use ykman config usb for more granular control on YubiKey 5 and later. Get the current connection mode of the YubiKey, or set it to MODE.


  • Set the OTP and FIDO mode:

    $ ykman config mode OTP+FIDO
  • Set the CCID only mode and use touch to eject the smart card:

    $ ykman config mode CCID --touch-eject


Argument Description
MODE can be a string, such as OTP+FIDO+CCID, or a
shortened form: o+f+c. It can also be a mode number.


Option Description
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
--autoeject-timeout SECONDS
When set, the smartcard automatically
ejects after the given time. Implies
--touch-eject (CCID mode only).
--chalresp-timeout SECONDS
Sets the timeout when waiting for touch
for challenge response.
-f, --force Confirm the action without prompting.
When set, the button toggles the state
the smartcard between ejected and
inserted (CCID mode only).

ykman config nfc [OPTIONS]

Enable or disable applications over NFC.


Option Description
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
-a, --enable-all Enable all applications.
-d, --disable [OTP|U2F|FIDO2|
Disable applications.

-D, --disable-all Disable all applications.
-e, --enable [OTP|U2F|FIDO2|
Enable applications.

-f, --force Confirm the action without prompting.
-l, --list List enabled applications.
-L, --lock-code HEX
Current application configuration
lock code.

ykman config set-lock-code [OPTIONS]

Set or change the configuration lock code. A lock code may be used to protect the application configuration. The lock code must be a 32 characters (16 bytes) hex value.


Option Description
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
-c, --clear Clear the lock code.
-f, --force Confirm the action without prompting.
-g, --generate
Generate a random lock code. Conflicts
with --new-lock-code.
-l, --lock-code HEX Current lock code.
-n, --new-lock-code HEX New lock code. Conflicts with –generate.

ykman config usb [OPTIONS]

Enable or disable applications over USB.


Option Description
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
-a, --enable-all Enable all applications.
--autoeject-timeout SECONDS
When set, the smartcard automaticall
ejects after the specified time.
Implies --touch-eject.
--chalresp-timeout SECONDS
Sets the timeout when waiting for
touch response to the challenge-
response from the OTP application.
-d, --disable [OTP|U2F|FIDO2|
Disable applications.

-e, --enable [OTP|U2F|FIDO2|
Enable applications.

-f, --force Confirm the action without prompting.
-l, --list List enabled applications.
-L, --lock-code HEX
Current application configuration
lock code.
--no-touch-eject Disable touch eject (CCID only).
When set, the button toggles the
state of the smartcard between
ejected and inserted (CCID only).

ykman info [OPTIONS]

Show general information. Displays information about the connected YubiKey such as serial number, firmware version, applications, etc.


Option Description
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
-c, --check-fips
Check if YubiKey is in FIPS-approved mode.
Available on YubiKey 4 FIPS only.


$ ./ykman info
Device type: YubiKey 5Ci
Serial number: 12345678
Firmware version: 5.2.3
Form factor: Keychain (USB-C, Lightning)
Enabled USB interfaces: OTP, FIDO, CCID

OTP          Enabled
FIDO U2F     Enabled
OpenPGP      Enabled
PIV          Enabled
OATH         Enabled
FIDO2        Enabled

ykman list [OPTIONS]

List connected YubiKeys.


Option Description
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
-r, --readers List available smart card readers.
-s, --serials
Output only serial numbers of the connected YubiKeys,
one per line. Devices without serial numbers are not


3DES:Triple Data Encryption Algorithm
AES:Advanced Encryption Standard
CCC:Card Capability Container
CCID:Chip card interface device, a USB protocol for a smartcard.
CHUID:Card Holder Unique ID
CN:Common name
CSR:Certificate Signing Request
ECC:Elliptic curve cryptography
FIDO:Fast Identity Online
FIPS:Federal Information Processing Standards (US government) covering codes and encryption standards.
HMAC:Hash-based message authentication code
HOTP:HMAC-based One-Time Password algorithm
OATH:The Initiative for Open Authentication is an organization that specifies two open authentication standards, TOTP and HOTP
OTP:One-Time Password
PUK:PIN Unlock Key
stdin:standard input - usually keyboard or CLI instructions
stdout:standard output - usually print to screen
TOTP:Time-based One-Time Password algorithm
X.509:The standard defining the format of a public key certificate

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