OATH Commands

Acronyms and their definitions are listed at the bottom of the Base Commands page.

ykman oath [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]…

Manage OATH application.


  • Generate codes for accounts starting with yubi:

    $ ykman oath accounts code yubi
  • Add an account, with the secret key f5up4ub3dw and the name yubico, that requires touch:

    $ ykman oath accounts add yubico f5up4ub3dw --touch
  • Set a password for the OATH application:

    $ ykman oath access change-password


Option Description
-h, --help Show this message and exit.


Command Description
access Manage password protection for OATH.
accounts Manage and use OATH accounts.
info Display general status of OATH application.
reset Reset all OATH data.

ykman oath access [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]…

Manage password protection for OATH.


Option Description
-h, --help Show this message and exit.


Command Description
change Change the password used to protect OATH accounts.
forget Remove a stored password from this computer.
Store the YubiKey password on this computer to avoid
having to enter it on each use.

ykman oath access change [OPTIONS]

Change the password used to protect OATH accounts. Allows you to set or change a password that is required to access the OATH accounts stored on the YubiKey.


Option Description
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
-c, --clear Clear the current password.
-n, --new-password TEXT Provide a new password as an argument.
-p, --password TEXT Provide a password to unlock the YubiKey.

ykman oath access forget [OPTIONS]

Remove a stored password from this computer.


Option Description
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
-a, --all Remove all stored passwords.

ykman oath access remember [OPTIONS]

Store the YubiKey password on this computer to avoid having to enter it on each use.


Option Description
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
-p, --password TEXT Provide a password to unlock the YubiKey.

ykman oath accounts [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]…

Manage and use OATH accounts.


Option Description
-h, --help Show this message and exit.


Command Description
add Add a new account.
code Generate codes.
delete Delete an account.
list List all accounts.
rename Rename an account (Requires YubiKey 5.3 or later).
uri Add a new account from an otpauth:// URI.

ykman oath accounts add [OPTIONS] NAME [SECRET]

Add a new account. This adds a new OATH account to the YubiKey.


Argument Description
NAME Provide a name for this account.
SECRET Optional.


Option Description
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
-a, --algorithm
Algorithm to use for code
generation.[default: SHA1]
-c, --counter INTEGER Initial counter value for HOTP accounts.
-d, --digits [6|7|8]
Number of digits in generated code.
[default: 6]
-f, --force Confirm the action without prompting.
-i, --issuer TEXT Issuer of the account.
o, --oath-type [[HOTP|TOTP]
Time-based (TOTP) or counter-based
(HOTP) account. [default: 32]
-p, --password TEXT
Provide a password to unlock the
-p, --period INTEGER
Number of seconds a TOTP code is
valid. [default: 30]
-r, --remember Remember the password on this machine.
-t, --touch
Require touch on YubiKey to generate

ykman oath accounts code [OPTIONS] [QUERY]

Generate codes. Generate codes from OATH accounts stored on the YubiKey. Accounts of type HOTP or those that require touch, also require a single match to be triggered.


Argument Description
QUERY Provide a query string to match one or more specific accounts.


Option Description
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
-H, --show-hidden Include hidden accounts.
-p, --password TEXT Provide a password to unlock the YubiKey.
-r, --remember Remember the password on this machine.
-s, --single
Ensure only a single match, and output only
the code.

ykman oath accounts delete [OPTIONS] QUERY

Delete an account. Delete an account from the YubiKey. Provide a query string to match the account to delete.


Argument Description
QUERY Provide a query string to match one or more specific accounts.


Option Description
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
-f, --force Confirm deletion without prompting
-p, --password TEXT Provide a password to unlock the YubiKey.
-r, --remember Remember the password on this machine.

ykman oath accounts list [OPTIONS]

List all accounts. List all accounts stored on the YubiKey.


Option Description
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
-H, --show-hidden Include hidden accounts.
-o, --oath-type Display the OATH type.
-p, --password TEXT Provide a password to unlock the YubiKey.
-p, --period Display the period.
-r, --remember Remember the password on this machine.

ykman oath accounts rename [OPTIONS] QUERY NAME

Rename an account (Requires YubiKey 5.3 or later).


Argument Description
QUERY A query to match a single account (as shown in list).
The name of the account (use <issuer>:<name> to
specify the issuer).


Option Description
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
-f, --force Confirm rename without prompting.
-p, --password TEXT Provide a password to unlock the YubiKey.
-r, --remember Remember the password on this machine.

ykman oath accounts uri [OPTIONS] URI

Add a new account from an otpauth:// URI. Use a URI to add a new account to the YubiKey.


Argument Description
URI Specify URI path for account.


Option Description
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
-f, --force Confirm the action without prompting.
-p, --password TEXT Provide a password to unlock the YubiKey.
-r, --remember Remember the password on this machine.
-t, --touch Require touch on YubiKey to generate code.

ykman oath info [OPTIONS]

Display status of OATH application.


Option Description
-h, --help Show this message and exit.

ykman oath reset [OPTIONS]

Reset all OATH data. This action deletes all accounts and restores factory settings for the OATH application on the YubiKey.


Option Description
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
-f, --force Confirm the action without prompting.

Click for Yubico Support.