YubiEnroll Commands

The following describes commands available when using the YubiEnroll CLI, together with usage examples. For more examples of how to add providers and enrollment profiles and enroll end users, see Using YubiEnroll CLI.


yubienroll [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Run yubienroll at the command prompt to see available options and commands.


Option Description
Enable logging at given verbosity level.

--log-file FILE Write logs to a specified FILE.
-v, --version Show version information about the app.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.


Command Description
credentials Manage FIDO credentials for users.
login Authenticate to the active provider.
logout Logout from the active provider.
profiles Manage enrollment profiles.
providers Manage authentication settings for identity providers.
status Show which provider is active and its authentication status.
users Search for users.

yubienroll login

yubienroll login [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Authenticate to the active provider. Starts a web-based authentication flow to get access credentials for the user account.


  • Show supported identity providers to select and log in to the desired one.

    > yubienroll login

  • Use --no-launch-browser if you do not want the command to launch the default system browser. This prints the authorization URL in the terminal so you can manually open the URL in a desired browser.

    > yubienroll login --no-launch-browser


Option Description
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
--no-launch-browser Do not open browser automatically.


Command Description
login Authenticate with an identity provider.

yubienroll logout

yubienroll logout [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Log out the YubiEnroll user from the active identity provider.


This command is currently only supported for the Okta identity provider.


Option Description
-h, --help Show this message and exit.


Command Description
logout Logout from the active provider.

yubienroll credentials

yubienroll credentials [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Lets users enroll, list and delete credentials on behalf of an end user. Subcommands require a User_ID, which can be the ID or username for an end user. Use the yubienroll users [query] command to get these values, see yubienroll users.


Option Description
-h, --help Show this message and exit.


Command | Description
add Enroll a FIDO credential on behalf of a user.
delete Delete a FIDO credential for a user.
list List FIDO credentials for a user.

yubienroll credentials add

yubienroll credentials add [OPTIONS] USER_ID

Add credentials on behalf of an end user enrolling them with the identity provider. User_ID is the ID or username for an end user. Use the yubienroll users [query] command to get these values, see yubienroll users.

The yubienroll credentials add command creates a FIDO credential on the YubiKey and registers it with the identity provider for the specified user.

You can configure YubiKey settings, for example minimum PIN code length or force PIN code change on first use, either through the CLI options or by using an enrollment profile. This can be specified with the --profile option or automatically applied if assigned to the active provider.

If not specified, the enrollment profile associated with the active identity provider will be applied. If no authenticator settings or enrollment profile exist, you will be prompted to provide these.


  • Add credentials and enroll end user with user_IDfirstname.lastname@email.com”.

    > yubienroll credentials add firstname.lastname@mail.com

  • Apply a different (configured) enrollment profile than the one used by the active provider.

    > yubienroll credentials add firstname.lastname@email.com --profile another-profile


Option Description
-r, --reader NAME Enroll a FIDO credential on behalf of a user.
-p, --profile TEXT Delete a FIDO credential for a user.
--min-pin-length INTEGER RANGE Set the minimum length allowed for PIN [4<=x<=63].
--require-always-uv Require always UV.
--no-require-always-uv Do not require always UV.
--force-pin-change Force PIN change before use.
--no-force-pin-change Do not force PIN change before use.
--reset Factory reset and re-initialize key.
--no-reset Do not factory reset and re-initialize key.
--random-pin Set a new random PIN.
--no-random-pin Do not set a new random PIN.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.

yubienroll credentials delete

yubienroll credentials delete [OPTIONS] CREDENTIAL_ID

Delete credentials available in the identity provider for an end user.


  • Delete credentials in the identity provider for the end user with credential_ID “123XYZ”.

    > yubienroll credentials delete 123XYZ

yubienroll credentials list

yubienroll credentials list [OPTIONS]

List credentials available in the identity provider for an end user.


  • List available credentials for end user with user_ID “firstname.lastname@email.com”.

    > yubienroll credentials list firstname.lastname@email.com

yubienroll profiles

yubienroll profiles [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Manage enrollment profiles for an identity provider. Profiles are presets of configuration parameters used when enrolling credentials. You can for example edit profile settings or delete the profile from the provider configuration. Deleting an enrollment profile will remove it from any provider using it.


  • Add an enrollment profile with the name “standard” to the (active) provider.

    > yubienroll profiles add standard

  • Show enrollment profiles available for the provider.

    > yubienroll profiles list

  • To unset a profile from a provider, run the following command and select “0”.

    > yubienroll profiles edit <provider_name>


Option Description
-h, --help Show this message and exit.


Command Description
add Create a new profile.
delete Delete a profile.
edit Modify an existing profile.
list List profiles.

yubienroll providers

yubienroll providers [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Manage authentication configurations stored in named provider objects for identity providers. You can add, activate, or delete authentication configurations. The active provider is the provider and tenant with which YubiEnroll communicates. Only one provider at the time can be active.


If there are no existing provider configurations and you add one, YubiEnroll will automatically activate it. To explicitly activate a provider, use yubienroll providers activate. An active provider configuration can be deleted.


  • Add a provider configuration with the name “entra”.

    > yubienroll providers add entra

  • Show the configuration for the provider with the name “entra”.

    > yubienroll providers show entra


Option Description
-h, --help Show this message and exit.


Command Description
activate Select which provider to use for other commands.
add Create a new provider configuration.
delete Delete a provider configuration.
edit Modify an existing provider configuration.
list List all provider configurations.
show Show full provider configuration.

yubienroll status

yubienroll status

Shows the name of the active provider configuration (used by default when enrolling end users), the identity provider used, and whether the user is authenticated with the provider or not.

yubienroll users

yubienroll users [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

When enrolling an end user, you will need the user identifiers “ID” and “Username”. Often “Username” is the same as the email address in the identity provider, but it does not have to be.

You can search for users in the identity provider using the yubienroll users <query> command where “query” can be for example the name of the end user. The user identifier “ID” and “Username” will be returned which is used in the enrollment.


  • Search for an end user with the name “firstname lastname” in the identity provider. If no query is specified, all users are returned.

    > yubienroll users firstname lastname


Option Description
-h, --help Show this message and exit.


Command Description
users Search for users.