Using OpenSC pkcs11-tool

It may be convenient to define a shell-level alias for the pkcs11-tool --module ... command. It may also be convenient to add the environment variable to point at the library.

To accomplish all of the above for the Bash shell one would add the following lines to the ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc file:

export YUBIHSM_PKCS11_CONF=/path/to/user/home/yhsm2-p11.conf
export YUBIHSM_PKCS11_MODULE=/usr/local/lib/
alias yhsm2-tool='pkcs11-tool --module ${YUBIHSM_PKCS11_MODULE} --login'

The --login option was added because practically no operation of the HSM device can be performed without logging in to it first.

Assuming that

  • RSA signing/verifying key pair has been generated with id 0x0401 and capabilities including asymmetric_sign_pkcs:asymmetric_sign_pss;
  • RSA encrypting/decrypting key pair has been generated with id 0x0402 and capabilities including asymmetric_decrypt_pkcs:asymmetric_decrypt_oaep;
  • ECDSA signing/verifying key pair has been generated with id 0x0203 and capabilities including asymmetric_sign_ecdsa:asymmetric_sign_decdsa;
  • EC key pair for deriving ECDH keys has been generated with id 0x0204 and capabilities including derive-ecdh;

The following commands illustrate the use of OpenSC pkcs11-tool with YubiHSM for cryptographic operations.


The pkcs11-tool can only perform private key-based cryptographic operations. It can decrypt a ciphertext or create a digital signature, but it cannot encrypt a plaintext or verify a digital signature - OpenSSL is used to accomplish that.

The following files are used as samples:

  • t32.dat is a binary file containing 32 bytes;
  • t3200.dat is a binary file containing 3200 bytes;
  • t64.txt is a text file containing 65 bytes (64 ASCII characters and <CR>).
  • peer_key.der is a file containing an EC public key in DER format

Creating Digital Signatures

Examples how to create digital signature.


  1. Sign a file using RSA-PSS padding with SHA-384.
$ yhsm2-tool --sign -m SHA384-RSA-PKCS-PSS --id 0401 -i t3200.dat -o t3200.dat.sig-pss
Using slot 0 with a present token (0x0)
Logging in to "YubiHSM".
Please enter User PIN:
Using signature algorithm SHA384-RSA-PKCS-PSS
PSS parameters: hashAlg=SHA384, mgf=MGF1-SHA384, salt_len=48
  1. Verify the created signature with OpenSSL (with libp11 PKCS#11 engine installed).
$ openssl dgst -engine pkcs11 -keyform engine -verify "pkcs11:token=YubiHSM;id=%04%01;type=public" -signature t3200.dat.sig-pss -sigopt rsa_padding_mode:pss -sha384 t3200.dat engine "pkcs11" set.
Enter PKCS#11 token PIN for YubiHSM:
Verified OK

RSA-PKCS#1 v1.5

Sign a file using RSA-PKCS#1 v1.5 padding.

$ yhsm2-tool --sign --id 0401 -m SHA384-RSA-PKCS -i t3200.dat -o t3200.pkcs1.sig
Using slot 0 with a present token (0x0)
Logging in to "YubiHSM".
Please enter User PIN:
Using signature algorithm SHA384-RSA-PKCS

$ openssl dgst -engine pkcs11 -keyform engine -verify "pkcs11:token=YubiHSM;id=%04%01;type=public" -signature t3200.pkcs1.sig -sha384 t3200.dat
engine "pkcs11" set.
Enter PKCS#11 token PIN for YubiHSM:
Verified OK


Sign a file using ECDSA with SHA-384 hash.

$ yhsm2-tool --sign --id 0203 -m ECDSA-SHA384 -f openssl -i t3200.dat -o t3200.ec384.sig2
Using slot 0 with a present token (0x0)
Logging in to "YubiHSM".
Please enter User PIN:
Using signature algorithm ECDSA-SHA384

$ openssl dgst -engine pkcs11 -keyform engine -verify "pkcs11:token=YubiHSM;id=%02%03;type=public" -signature t3200.ec384.sig2 -sha384 t3200.dat
engine "pkcs11" set.
Enter PKCS#11 token PIN for YubiHSM:
Verified OK

Performing Decryption

Examples how to run decryption.

RSA-PKCS#1 v1.5

Decrypt a file using RSA-PKCS#1 v1.5 padding.

$ cat t64.txt 4aa58c448f3264c777be1b5ad94cf3e0a68911ed3f18db9e568ff2179e263f76

$ yhsm2-tool --decrypt --id 0402 -m RSA-PKCS -i t64.txt.pkcs1
 Using slot 0 with a present token (0x0)
 Logging in to "YubiHSM".
 Please enter User PIN:
 Using decrypt algorithm RSA-PKCS


Decrypt a file using RSA-OAEP and SHA-384. The file t64.txt was encrypted with RSA-OAEP using SHA-384 for digest and Mask Generation Function (MGF).

$ cat t64.txt 4aa58c448f3264c777be1b5ad94cf3e0a68911ed3f18db9e568ff2179e263f76

$ yhsm2-tool --decrypt --id 0402 -m RSA-PKCS-OAEP --hash-algorithm SHA384 --mgf MGF1-SHA384 -i t64.txt.oaep
Using slot 0 with a present token (0x0)
Logging in to "YubiHSM".
Please enter User PIN:
Using decrypt algorithm RSA-PKCS-OAEP
OAEP parameters: hashAlg=SHA384, mgf=MGF1-SHA384, source_type=0, source_ptr=0x0, source_len=0

$ yhsm2-tool --decrypt --id 0402 -m RSA-PKCS-OAEP --hash-algorithm SHA384 -i t64.txt.oaep
Using slot 0 with a present token (0x0)
Logging in to "YubiHSM".
Please enter User PIN:
Using decrypt algorithm RSA-PKCS-OAEP
OAEP parameters: hashAlg=SHA384, mgf=MGF1-SHA384, source_type=0, source_ptr=0x0, source_len=0

Derive ECDH Key

Derive an ECDH key using a private key on the YubiHSM and a public key read from a file.

$ yhsm2-tool --derive --input-file peer_key.der --id 0204
Logging in to "YubiHSM".
Please enter User PIN:
Using slot 0 with a present token (0x0)
Using derive algorithm 0x00001050 ECDH1-DERIVE

Obtaining Random Data

$ yhsm2-tool --pin xxxxxxxx --generate-random 64 | xxd -c 64 -p
 Using slot 0 with a present token (0x0)