Firmware Overview

YubiKey 5 Series

The new 5.7. firmware for the YubiKey 5 Series has a number of new and improved features that will be available for the first time on the multi-protocol YubiKey 5. The changes and additions are described in detail in 5.7 Firmware Specifics.In addition to the features that are directly accessible, there are a number of features that require partner support.


Yubico periodically updates the firmware to take advantage of features and capabilities introduced into the ecosystem. YubiKeys are programmed in Yubico’s facilities with the latest available firmware and once programmed cannot be updated to another version. The firmware cannot be altered or removed from a YubiKey.

The firmware version on a YubiKey or a Security Key determines whether or not a feature or a capability is available to that device. The quickest and most convenient way to determine your device’s firmware version is to use either the Yubico Authenticator or the YubiKey Manager tool (ykman), a lightweight software package installable on many OS. The YubiKey Manager has both a graphical user interface (GUI) and a command line interface (CLI). For more information, see the YubiKey Manager (ykman) CLI & GUI Guide.

The features, capabilities, and enhancements of the YubiKey 5 Series that are dependent on firmware version are listed below in the Firmware Capability Matrix below.

Security Key Series

The Security Key Series - including Enterprise Edition - will be updated with the latest firmware, including the updates from FIDO listed above. The Enterprise Edition will have the following additional updates:

  • Minimum PIN length set to 6
  • PIN Complexity turned on by default (and cannot be turned off)
  • Serial number retrievable by client software in Windows without requiring elevated privileges (admin rights) since the YubiKey management application is accessible via CCID, which enables use cases where client software needs to read the serial number of the authenticator.

Firmware Capability Matrix

YubiKey 5 Series

Features and Form Factors Available per Firmware Version
Feature/Form Factor Firmware Versions
5.0.x 5.1.x 5.2.x 5.3.x 5.4.x 5.7.x
Serial Number Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
OTP Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
OATH Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
OpenPGP version 2.1 2.1 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4
PIV/Smart Card Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
FIDO U2F Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
FIDO2/WebAuthn Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
YubiHSM Auth         Yes Yes
SCP03       Yes Yes Yes
SCP11           Yes
FIDO2 Credential
25 25 25 25 25 100
OATH Credential
32 32 32 32 32 64
USB-A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
USB-A + NFC Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
USB-C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
USB-C + NFC   Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
USB-A Nano Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
USB-C Nano Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Lightning + USB-C     Yes Yes Yes Yes

YubiKey 5 FIPS Series

Features and Form Factors Available per Firmware Version
Feature/Form Factor Firmware Versions
5.4.2 5.4.3
Serial Number Yes Yes
OTP Yes Yes
OATH Yes Yes
OpenPGP version   3.4
PIV/Smart Card Yes Yes
FIDO U2F Yes Yes
FIDO2/WebAuthn Yes Yes
YubiHSM Auth   Yes
SCP03 Yes Yes
USB-A Yes Yes
USB-A + NFC Yes Yes
USB-C Yes Yes
USB-C + NFC Yes Yes
USB-A Nano Yes Yes
USB-C Nano Yes Yes
Lightning + USB-C Yes Yes

YubiKey 5 CSPN Series

Features and Form Factors Available per Firmware Version
Feature/Form Factor Firmware Version 5.4.2
Serial Number Yes
OpenPGP version  
PIV/Smart Card Yes
FIDO2/WebAuthn Yes
YubiHSM Auth  
SCP03 Yes
USB-A Nano Yes
USB-C Nano Yes
Lightning + USB-C Yes

YubiKey Bio Series

Features and Form Factors Available per Firmware Version
Feature/Form Factor Firmware Versions
5.5.x 5.6.x 5.7.x
Serial Number Yes Yes Yes
OpenPGP version      
PIV/Smart Card     Yes
FIDO U2F Yes Yes Yes
FIDO2/WebAuthn Yes Yes Yes
YubiHSM Auth      
SCP03 Yes Yes Yes
SCP11     Yes
USB-A Yes Yes Yes
USB-A + NFC      
USB-C Yes Yes Yes
USB-C + NFC      
USB-A Nano      
USB-C Nano      
Lightning + USB-C      
PIV Support
Smart Card/PIV is only available on the YubiKey Bio Multi-protocol Edition.

Security Key Series

Features and Form Factors Available per Firmware Version
Feature/Form Factor Firmware Versions
5.0.x - 5.2.x 5.4.x 5.4.x Enterprise Ed. 5.7.x 5.7.x Enterprise Ed.
Serial Number     Yes   Yes
OpenPGP version          
PIV/Smart Card          
FIDO U2F Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
FIDO2/WebAuthn Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
YubiHSM Auth          
FIDO2 PIN Mgmt*       Yes Yes
Blob Storage       Yes Yes
Always UV       Yes Yes
USB-A Yes        
USB-A + NFC Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
USB-C + NFC   Yes Yes Yes Yes
USB-A Nano          
USB-C Nano          
Lightning + USB-C          

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