Shipping to Multiple Addresses: Bulk Shipments

You can create a request to ship a set of products to multiple addresses using the BULK SHIPMENT method. With this method you download an address template CSV file from the Console and fill it with recipient names and addresses.


Bulk shipment is not available to “demo users”. These are users with the Console Owner role that have not yet enrolled by registering a security key, as part of the onboarding process. For more information, see Onboarding Workflow.


Download a fresh countries CSV and address template CSV file every time you make a bulk shipment request. The templates change frequently, and any request that does not use the latest templates will fail.

You then upload the file, select from the Console the products that all recipients will get, and submit the bulk shipment request for the products to be shipped to multiple addresses. If different recipients require different product sets, create a separate CSV file for each product set.

Creating the Address File

Use the templates provided by Yubico to create your list of recipient names and addresses.

  1. Click Shipments > All shipments in the left menu, then click Create shipment request in the top menu and select BULK SHIPMENT.

  2. Click Download countries CSV to download the country list. This file contains the list of countries that your organization is allowed to ship to and the country code for each country.


    Download a fresh countries CSV and address template CSV file every time you make a bulk shipment request. The templates change frequently, and any request that does not use the latest templates will fail.

  3. Click Download address template CSV to download the template for recipient information.

  4. Fill out the address template. For details about the fields in the CSV file, see Recipient Information Fields.

  5. Save the address file, it will be used when creating the actual shipment request.

Recipient Information Fields

When filling in the template, ensure you follow these guidelines for a successful validation later on in the process:

  • The table header row from the template is included in your CSV file.
  • The columns in your CSV file correspond exactly to those in the template.
  • Either company name or first name and last name are required.
  • If the destination country is either United States or Canada, state or region is required, see Region/State Codes for US and Canada.
  • Some table cells have limits on the number of alpha-numeric characters (including spaces). Ensure that content in a cell does not exceed the limits listed in the table below. For more information, see Managing Long Recipient Names.


The size of the uploaded CSV file must not exceed 25 MB. If it does, split the file and create multiple shipment requests.

In the table below, fields not marked as Required are optional. The Limit column displays the maximum number of alphanumeric characters permitted per field/table cell.

Column Heading Description Limit

Required if name of recipient is not provided.
Maps to the second line of the shipping label if the
address is not residential. Do not provide a company
name if shipping to a residential address.
First name

Name of recipient. Required if company name is not
provided. Maps to the first line on the shipping label.
Last name

Recipient’s family name. Required if first name is
provided. Maps to the first line on the shipping label.
Address 1
Required. First line of address. 60
Address 2

Required if address is undeliverable without, for
example suite #.
City Required. City, town, or township. 60

USPS codes are required for the US and Canada, see
Region/State Codes for US and Canada. Region/state is required
for other countries if the address is undeliverable
without it.
Required. Zip code or postal code. 50
Country Code 2

Required. Country code from available_countries.csv
file, see Country Codes.
Recipient Email
Recipient’s email address. 80
Recipient Telephone

Required. Telephone number of shipment recipient. Any
format is acceptable with or without spaces. Limit is
40 of the alphanumeric characters “0-9+-( )” unless
the country code is IN, in which case the limit is 255.

Managing Long Recipient Names

Long recipient or company names can be problematic because the shipment request will fail if the maximum number of permitted characters is exceeded for these fields.

Workaround: When a recipient’s full name or company name exceeds the fields’ maximum lengths, split the names across the three fields, as in this example:

Field (limit=15) Field (limit=20) Field (limit=20)
First name Last name Company
Example of an overly long name before adjustment to fit the fields
Johannes-Maximilian von Derschowitz-Dampfloch zu Querdenker
Example after adjustment
Joh.-Maximilian v.DerschowitzDampfloch zu Querdenker

Country Codes

The downloadable available_countries.csv file contains a list of destination countries and their country codes that your organization is allowed to ship to. Use the two-letter country codes to populate the Country Code 2 field in the address template.


Although the system can deliver to Post Office (PO) Boxes within the United States, delivery to the equivalent elsewhere in the world is unlikely to succeed. If possible, use a different address.

Region/State Codes for US and Canada

If the destination country is either United States or Canada, state or region is required and must confirm to the two-letter codes for states (US) or territories (CA). Use the codes provided in the following table to populate the Region/State field in the address template.

State (US) / Province or Territory (Canada) Code
Alabama AL
Alaska AK
Alberta AB
Arizona AZ
Arkansas AR
British Columbia/Colombie-Britannique BC
California CA
Colorado CO
Connecticut CT
Delaware DE
District of Columbia DC
Florida FL
Georgia GA
Hawaii HI
Idaho ID
Illinois IL
Indiana IN
Iowa IA
Kansas KS
Kentucky KY
Louisiana LA
Maine ME
Manitoba MB
Maryland MD
Massachusetts MA
Michigan MI
Minnesota MN
Mississippi MS
Missouri MO
Montana MT
Nebraska NE
Nevada NV
New Brunswick/Nouveau-Brunswick NB
New Hampshire NH
New Jersey NJ
New Mexico NM
New York NY
Newfoundland/Terre-Neuve NF
North Carolina NC
North Dakota ND
Northwest Territories/Territoires du Nord-Ouest NT
Nova Scotia/Nouvelle-Écosse NS
Nunavut NU
Ohio OH
Oklahoma OK
Ontario ON
Oregon OR
Pennsylvania PA
Prince Edward Island/Île-du-Prince-Édouard PE
Puerto Rico PR
Quebec/Québec QC
Rhode Island RI
Saskatchewan SK
South Carolina SC
South Dakota SD
Tennessee TN
Texas TX
Utah UT
Vermont VT
Virginia VA
Washington WA
West Virginia WV
Wisconsin WI
Wyoming WY
Yukon YK

Creating the Bulk Shipment Request

The steps described in the following require that you have created a CSV file with recipient information to be used when submitting the shipment request.

  1. In the Console on the Shipments tab, click Create shipment request and select BULK SHIPMENT.
  2. Drag and drop your address CSV file into the upload area, or click Select a file to add a file from a location of your choice. The file size must not exceed 25 MB. If it does, split the shipment request.
  3. If applicable, select a Reseller from the dropdown list. Your selection determines the inventories from which you can draw products from.
  4. Select the Delivery Type, Normal or Expedited. Your selection determines the shipping fee, which is calculated after you complete the shipping request.
  5. Under Product selection, select one or more of available inventories to draw from and select the desired products. When done, click Continue.


Inventory restrictions might apply, see Shippable Inventory. For some countries you can request only one (1) key per address due to customs duty regulations. To see which countries this limitation applies to, see Delivery Policies.

  1. Verify the product selection and the address file to be used.
  2. Click Create shipment request(s).
  3. The recipient information is validated line by line to ensure there are no errors. If errors were found, you will see a notification indicating the type of errors and the lines in the file where they were found.
  1. Correct the errors in the file according to the instructions and save it.
  2. Click Use a different file in the upload area, upload the corrected version for a new validation, and click Create shipment requests(s).
  3. When the file is accepted without errors you will see a success notification. The new shipment requests will appear in the Shipments page as one request for each recipient line in the CSV file.


If you have purchased directly from Yubico as well as from resellers, you will have multiple inventories to draw products from. To request shipments from multiple inventories you need to make a shipment request for each inventory separately by selecting the desired reseller in the Reseller dropdown when creating the shipment request.

Editing and Deleting Shipment Requests

You can update an address or delete a shipment request until it is locked for processing and fulfillment. Editable shipment requests are shown with a pencil icon in the list of Shipments. For more information, see Editing or Deleting a Shipment.

To file a support ticket for YubiEnterprise Delivery, click Support.