Working with Shipments

This section provides an overview of how to work with shipment requests. For an introduction to the concept of shipment requests, see Shipment Requests.

Requesting Shipments

You can use any of the following methods to create shipment requests:

In some cases shipment requests are also manually created by Yubico. After creation, shipment requests are displayed in the All shipments page. Here you can follow shipments, see their status and update information if needed.

Viewing Shipments

To view details for a shipment, go to the Shipments > All shipments page and click the shipment ID in the ID column. To locate a specific shipment, use the search bar at the top or click Filters to filter the list of shipments by one or more fields. You can also sort on all the column headings using different criteria.


Shipments Column Headings

The All shipments page provides the following information:

  • ID - The ID of the shipment request. Click the ID number to view the shipment details, see Shipment Details View.
  • Date - Date on which the shipment request was made.
  • Shipment address - The address to which the shipment was or will be sent.
  • Recipient email - Email address to which information about the shipment is automatically sent.
  • Delivery - Type of delivery - Normal or Expedited (rush).
  • Type - How the shipping request was created: “MANUAL” (by Yubico), “AUTOMATED” (from Console), or “AUTO FIDO PRE-REG” (FIDO Pre-reg, see Shipping Pre-registered Keys).
  • Status - The status of the shipment request, see Shipment Statuses.
  • Tracking - The tracking number with the carrier. Clicking the tracking number takes you to the site of the carrier.
  • Ship date - Date on which the shipment was dispatched.
  • Delivery date - Date on which the shipment arrived at its destination.
  • Reseller - Name of the reseller, if reseller was involved in the purchase.

Filters and Table Controls

You can modify the appearance of the table and the data displayed using the controls at the top of the page.

  • Columns - Determine which columns will be shown in the table. Click Columns and select or deselect the desired columns. Click Reset to return to a previous selection.
  • Filters - Filter data to be displayed. Click Filters, select an Operator and a Value, and click Apply. Available filter fields depend on the data in the table of the Console page you are working with. Click Clear all to remove the selected filters.
  • Density - Determine the space between rows in the table, for example “Compact”.

Searching Shipments

The Search field at the top of the All shipments page lets you locate any element in a shipping request, even partial words or numbers. Entering search parameters instantly filters the list of shipments based on those parameters.

To locate a specific shipment, use the search field or click Filters to filter the list of shipments by one or more fields.


Using the search bar will search on shipment ID, External order ID, Recipient email, and Tracking number fields. To search on other fields, click Filters.

To return to viewing the list of search results after clicking into one of the list items, click Go back. The list remains available even after refreshing the browser window while on a page of search results.

Shipment Request Status

The shipment request Status shows the progress of the shipment request, for example “Awaiting Validation”, “Delivered”, or “Incomplete”. For more information, see Shipment Statuses.

In case of shipment request errors, click the shipment ID to open the Shipment details view to investigate the shipment information. To edit a shipment request and correct errors, see Editing or Deleting Shipments.

Shipment Details View

To open the Shipment details view, click the shipment ID either from the ID column on the Shipments page, or in the Recent Shipments section of the Dashboard.

_images/shipment-details-one.png _images/shipment-details-two.png

The Shipment details page displays the following information:

  • SHIPMENT ID section - The shipment ID and type of shipment request (manual/automated).
    • REQUEST DATE and REQUESTOR - The date when the shipment request was created, and the email of the user who created the shipment request.
    • RESELLER NAME and ID - Name and ID of the reseller.
  • SHIPMENT STATUS section - Status and related status messages for the shipment request.
  • Address section - Contact information for the shipping recipient.
  • Shipping section - Details about type of delivery, shipping provider and tracking number, if available.
  • Costs section:
    • Product cost - The total cost of purchased products included in the shipping.
    • Product tax/VAT - The product tax/VAT based on the total product cost.
    • Shipping Fee - The shipping cost based on included products and shipping destinations.
    • Shipping tax/VAT - The shipping tax/VAT based on the shipping cost.
    • Total - Total cost including shipping and taxes. See shipping costs.
  • Item details section:
    • Inventory product type - Type of inventory, for example “Compliance - Plus- Primary”, see Tier Options.
    • Product name - Type of product, key model.
    • Customization ID/Customization label - Unique ID and its friendly name representing a specific type of key customization, see Customizations. The columns are only visible if a shipment contains items from a customized inventory.
    • PO reference - The purchase order associated with the shipment request.
    • Quantity - The number of keys included in the selected shipment.
    • Cost per item - The cost for each product of a certain type included in the shipment.
    • Cost - The total cost for the shipment.
    • Action - Lets you view information associated with a specific shipment of customized keys, see Viewing Customization Details. The column is only visible if a shipment contains items from a customized inventory.

If the shipment request has not yet been locked for processing and fulfillment, you can edit the recipient information and product selection. To edit the shipment, scroll to the bottom of the Shipment details page. For more information, see Editing or Deleting Shipments.

Reviewing Incompletes

The address validation service flags addresses that are problematic or incorrect and displays this information in the Status column on the All shipments page. For explanation of different statuses, see Shipment Statuses. To ensure your shipping request is accepted and processed, always verify that it has not been flagged “Incomplete”.

To review and manage incomplete shipment requests, do the following:

  1. Click Shipments > Review incompletes in the left menu. The list of shipping requests with incomplete addresses is displayed.

  2. To edit and correct an address, click the Edit (pencil) icon for the desired item. The Edit Shipment dialog indicates the problem. In the example below, the recipient name is incorrect. Correct the issue as described in Editing or Deleting Shipments.

  3. The address validation process stops at the first error it finds in a given request (or in the case of a CSV file for bulk shipments, in a given row). In the example above, it stopped at the name of the recipient, but the address in the example above would not be validated either. For this reason, continue to run the Review Incompletes activity until no more errors are found in your shipment request.

Editing or Deleting Shipments

You can update an address or delete a shipment request until it is locked for processing and fulfillment, see Timing. This applies for both Automated and Manual type of requests. However, to edit or delete a Manual shipment request, you must contact Yubico to update the shipment request.


You can edit shipments of type Auto FIDO Pre-reg (pre-registered keys) in the same states as for other automated shipments. You can update the recipient and address information, and change the delivery type. However, you cannot change the products included in the shipment.

To edit or delete a shipment request, do the following:

  1. Click the Edit [pencil] icon for the desired item in the table. The Shipment details page appears. To update the information, scroll down to the Edit Shipment section. You can edit the recipient and shipping information, or update the delivery type if needed.

  2. To make changes in the product selection, scroll down further to the Product Selection section. Be aware that Shippable Inventory limits might apply.

  3. Either make the required changes and click Update or click Delete shipment. The update function validates the fields, with a mouseover warning on any fields requiring input.

  4. Verify that the system is able to validate all the input in your shipment requests by reviewing incompletes until there are no incomplete shipment requests left.

Deleting Multiple Shipments

To delete multiple shipment requests at the same time, do the following:

  1. Click Shipments > All shipments in the left menu.

  2. In the All shipments page, select the checkbox to the left on the row for each shipment you want to delete. Only shipments with the appropriate status can be selected. For example, a shipment with status “Shipped: In transit” cannot be selected for deletion.

    You can use filters to filter out shipments with a status making them available for deletion. Click Filters and Can be deleted, then click Apply.


    To select all rows in the table on the All shipments page, select the checkbox in the header. To clear a selection of rows, select the checkbox in the header again.

  3. When satisfied with your selection, click Delete in the bar at the bottom and click Confirm in the Confirm deletion dialog.

Downloading List of Shipments

Console Owners, Admins, and Auditors can download a list of shipment requests that have been made. This can be useful if you want to perform data analysis for example to identify address validation failures for specific shipping destinations. You can then filter out shipments with status “Address Validation Failed” and download a file with those specific shipments.

To download a CSV file with general shipment data, go to the Shipments > All shipments page and click Download CSV in the top row.

When downloading the CSV file, only enabled columns and filtered rows are included. Use the Search field or click Filters to filter out desired shipments. Click Columns to include desired columns in the output. For more information, see Filters and Table Controls.


If no filtering is applied, data for ALL shipments in the list will be included in the CSV file. Ensure to filter out desired shipments before downloading to only get the data you are interested in. If your selection contains too many rows, you will be prompted to refine your search criteria.

Column Headings in Download File

The All shipments table downloaded as a CSV file combines shipment details information with what is shown on the All shipments page, plus some additional information. The column headings are described below.


Although all currency amounts displayed by the system are in US dollars, contracts, purchase orders, and invoices, etc. use the currency applicable to the parties involved.

  • shipment_id - Unique identifier assigned by YubiEnterprise Delivery to every shipment request.
  • shipment_request_date - Month/day/year.
  • shipment_update_date - Month/day/year.
  • organization_name - Name of the customer organization on behalf of which the shipment request was made (typically the same throughout the file).
  • reseller_id - Identifier of the reseller (Yubico’s channel partner) - this is “1” if it was a direct sale by Yubico.
  • user_email - The email address of the YubiEnterprise Delivery user who made the shipment request.
  • country_code_2 - Two-letter country code. For more information, see Shipping to Multiple Addresses: Bulk Shipments.
  • inventory_type - Depends on items entered in customer PO, for example “Standard Inventory Keys” or “Tier Perpetual Key”.
  • is_delivered - TRUE or FALSE.
  • is_shipped - TRUE or FALSE.
  • shipped date - Month/day/year - date of shipping.
  • delivered_date - Month/day/year - date of delivery.
  • tracking_number - Tracking number assigned by fulfillment agency.
  • recipient_company - Name of recipient’s company.
  • recipient_email - Recipient’s email address.
  • recipient_firstname - First name of recipient.
  • recipient_lastname - Last name of recipient.
  • recipient_telephone - Recipient’s telephone number.
  • street_line1 - First line of street address.
  • street_line2 - Second line of street address.
  • street_line3 - Third line of street address (deprecated).
  • city - Name of village, town, or city.
  • region - Name or region, state, or province.
  • postal_code Postal code, post code, zip code.
  • shipment_type - “Automated” (entered into the YubiEnterprise system by customer), “Manual” (entered into the system by Yubico), or “Fido2PreRegistered” for FIDO Pre-reg shipments.
  • delivery_type Normal or Expedited.
  • shipment_state_code - see Shipment Status Codes.
  • shipment_state_id - see Shipment Status Codes.
  • shipment_state_message - see Shipment Status Codes.
  • shipment_summary_description - Total number of keys plus number of each type, for example Total Keys: 2 yk5c:1, sky2:1 means two keys were shipped, one a YubiKey 5C and one a Security Key 2.
  • shipment_product_cost - Cost of product alone, without tax, VAT, or shipping.
  • shipment_product_taxes - Cell is populated if products are shipped to location where sales tax is applicable. Amount of sales tax levied on product.
  • shipment_product_vat - Cell is populated if products are shipped to location where VAT is applicable. Amount of VAT levied on product.
  • shipping_service_cost - Cost of shipping.
  • shipping_service_taxes - Cell is populated if products are shipped to location where sales tax is applicable. Amount of sales tax levied on shipping.
  • shipping_service_vat - Cell is populated if products are shipped to location where VAT is applicable. Amount of VAT levied on shipping.
  • total_shipment_product_cost - Cost of product(s) with tax or VAT; does not include shipping costs or tax or VAT on them.
  • total_shipment_tax_cost - Cell is populated if products are shipped to location where sales tax is applicable. Total sales taxes levied on product(s) plus shipping costs.
  • total_shipping_service_cost - Total shipping costs including taxes or VAT levied on them
  • total_keys_shipped - Total number of products shipped.
  • purchaseorder_numbers - If multiple POs were drawn on for a single request, they are separated by a pipe, for example PQR_123|PO-0721a.
  • reseller_name - Name of the reseller from whom you purchased, Yubico’s channel partner, based on the reseller_id column.


For FIDO Pre-reg type of shipments, the CSV file will also include serial number and firmware version for each custom key. The information is included after the shipment has been processed by Yubico Fulfillment Center, and the shipment is moved to state “Shipped: in Transit”.

Notifying About Shipments

The YubiEnterprise Delivery system automatically notifies shipment recipients by email:

  • When products are sent to them - using the SHIPPED template below.
  • When products are delivered - using the DELIVERED template below.
  • If there is a problem with the delivery - using the DELIVERY EXCEPTIONS template below.

The relevant email notification will be sent to the email address provided when the order was placed.


Subject: YubiKeys shipped!
To: <Email address of recipient provided in shipping request>

Hello, <Name of recipient, or if absent, company name>
Your YubiKeys have been shipped. If you have any questions,
please reach out to your company administrator.

<Custom text, if any>

YubiKeys Shipped:
<Type of YubiKey> <Quantity>
Delivered To: <Name and address of recipient>
<Name of Carrier> Tracking Number: <TrackingNumber>

Your YubiEnterprise Delivery Service Team
This is an automatically generated message from Yubico.
Replies are not monitored or answered.


Subject: YubiKeys Delivered!
To: <Email address of recipient provided in shipping request>

Hello, <Name of recipient, or if absent, company name>
Your YubiKeys have been delivered. If you have any questions,
please reach out to your company administrator.

<Custom text, if any>

YubiKeys Delivered:
<Type of YubiKey> <Quantity>
Delivered To: <Name and address of recipient>
<Name of Carrier> Tracking Number: <TrackingNumber>

Your YubiEnterprise Delivery Service Team
This is an automatically generated message from Yubico.
Replies are not monitored or answered.


Subject: YubiKeys Delivery Exceptions!
To: <Email address of end-user, intended recipient>

Hello <Name of end-user>

Your Shipment request for YubiKeys has delivery exceptions.
Please reach out to your company administrator. You can also
reach out to us at YubiEnterprise Support

<Custom text, if any>

Delivery Details:
<Type of YubiKey> <Quantity>

Deliver To:
<Address of intended recipient>
<Name of Carrier> Tracking Number: <TrackingNumber>

<Error text>

Your YubiEnterprise Delivery Service Team

This is an automatically generated message from Yubico.
Replies are not monitored or answered.

Customizing Automated Emails

You can customize the automated templates as desired to adapt the message for your specific organization. You can change the look and feel of the email as well as the text, for example to add a link to your own support organization, or contact information for your own IT department.

The templates accept any valid HTML, including scripts. Web and email links can be inserted as HTML link elements. Put the link target in the href attribute, and put the display text for the link between the angle brackets. For example:

Please visit <a href="">Yubico's webpage</a> for more information, or
email <a href=""></a>.

To replace the Yubico logo image at the top of the email page, replace the existing image link with one of your choice, for example your company logo. Ensure that the image you use is stored in a publicly available space.

<img alt="yubico" width="168" height="50" src="">

The following values in the template can be used anywhere in the email body and will be substituted when the email is sent:

  • {{.Name}} - the first and last name of the recipient.
  • {{nl2br .Address}} - the destination address.
  • {{.Carrier}} - the carrier used, for example UPS, FedEx or USPS.
  • {{.TrackingNumber}} - tracking number of the shipment.
  • {{.CopyrightYear}} - the current year.
  • {{.Email}} - recipient email address.

The following code lists quantity and items in the shipment:

{{range $name, $qty := .LineItems}}
{{$name}}: {{$qty}}

To customize notification emails, do the following:

  1. In the Console, click Settings > Email and select the Template to be customized: Shipped, Delivered, or Delivery Exceptions.

  2. Insert the desired content into the template.

  3. Your HTML code is validated as you type. If your code is correct, a green banner appears, and you can continue editing or click Update. A red banner appears if the HTML is incorrect. Correct it and click Update, or click Restore. Once you click Update, the Restore button is deactivated.

  4. To view the customized email you created, click Send sample.


If you make a mistake in the HTML code when customizing the template, you can click the Restore button to return to the default. However, if your HTML is correct and you click Update, you can no longer click Restore. For this reason, consider making a copy of the default template before you customize it.

Viewing Processed Refunds

When shipments fail to arrive at their destination, the price of product(s) plus shipping is refunded. The status of such a shipment is recorded as “Lost/Missing”. Console Owners, Admins, and Auditors can access refund details.

Click Shipments > Processed refunds in the left menu to display the Processed refunds page.


The Processed refunds table shows the following information:

  • Shipment ID
  • Inventory product type (shipping, subscription type, etc.)
  • PO reference if applicable (link to PO from which the refunded inventory was drawn)
  • Refund quantity (this value will be “0” for shipping)
  • Product name
  • Refund date
  • Refunded amount

To see more details, click the Shipment ID of the desired shipment to view its details. For more information, see Shipment Details View. Fore more information about refunds, you can also download a file.

If your organization is shipping custom keys, the Customization ID and Customization label (user-friendly name) associated with a refunded shipment are displayed in the Shipment details page. For more information, see Customizations.

Downloading List of Refunds

To download a CSV file listing all the data shown on the list of processed refunds, click Download refund CSV in the upper right of the Processed refunds page.

The download file contains the following information for each refunded shipment request:

  • shipment_id
  • refund_date
  • organization_name
  • reseller_name
  • reseller_id
  • inventory_product_type
  • product_name
  • refund_quantity
  • product_cost
  • refunded_product_tax
  • refunded_product_vat
  • refunded_shipping_fee
  • refunded_shipping_tax
  • refunded_shipping_vat
  • purchaseorder_number
  • country_code_2
  • shipment_request_date
  • shipped_date
  • recipient_company
  • recipient_email
  • recipient_firstname
  • recipient_lastname
  • recipient_telephone
  • street_line1
  • street_line2
  • street_line3
  • city
  • region
  • postal_code

To file a support ticket for YubiEnterprise Delivery, click Support.